Introduction to Financing Your Education

What you’ll learn to do: use your knowledge of accounting to garner resources to fund your education

One of the first steps everyone should take in financing their education is to fill out a “Free Application for Federal Student Aid” (FAFSA). The FAFSA allows you to access:

  • Grants
  • Scholarships
  • Work-Study/Student Employment
  • Student Loans

You can view the transcript for “Types of Federal Student Aid” here (opens in new window).


In addition, working during college can be highly advantageous for you—not only from a monetary perspective, but also to manage your time and finances, gain valuable experience, and develop useful networks. Furthermore, you will become aware of different management styles.

In addition to the kinds of financial aid that you can access through the FAFSA, with a bit of research and some creative thinking, you can find other sources of income that will help offset the cost of your education, such as scholarships or refundable tax credits. Being able to identify and access these options can reduce your need to work and to borrow, allowing you to concentrate more fully on your studies.

Let’s move ahead so that you can gain a more detailed understanding of how to use your knowledge of accounting to garner resources to fund your education.


Federal Student Aid. “Types of Financial Aid.” US Department of Education.