The Precise Definition of a Limit: Learn It 1

  • Use the epsilon-delta method to determine the limit of a function
  • Demonstrate how limit rules work using the epsilon-delta approach

By now you have progressed from the very informal definition of a limit in the introduction of this module to the intuitive understanding of a limit. At this point, you should have a very strong intuitive sense of what the limit of a function means and how you can find it. In this section, we convert this intuitive idea of a limit into a formal definition using precise mathematical language.

Epsilon-Delta Definition of the Limit

Before stating the formal definition of a limit, we must introduce a few preliminary ideas. The distance between two points [latex]a[/latex] and [latex]b[/latex] on a number line is given by [latex]|a-b|[/latex].

  • The statement [latex]|f(x)-L|<\varepsilon[/latex] means the distance between [latex]f(x)[/latex] and [latex]L[/latex] is less than [latex]\varepsilon[/latex].
  • The statement [latex]0<|x-a|<\delta[/latex] means [latex]x\ne a[/latex] and the distance between [latex]x[/latex] and [latex]a[/latex] is less than [latex]\delta[/latex].

It’s important to recognize these equivalences for absolute value:

  • The statement [latex]|f(x)-L|<\varepsilon[/latex] is equivalent to the statement [latex]L-\varepsilon
  • The statement [latex]0<|x-a|<\delta[/latex] is equivalent to the statement [latex]a-\delta

With these clarifications, we can state the formal epsilon-delta definition of the limit.

epsilon-delta definition of the limit

Let [latex]f(x)[/latex] be defined for all [latex]x\ne a[/latex] over an open interval containing [latex]a[/latex]. Let [latex]L[/latex] be a real number. Then

[latex]\underset{x\to a}{\lim}f(x)=L[/latex]

if, for every [latex]\varepsilon >0[/latex], there exists a [latex]\delta >0[/latex] such that if [latex]0<|x-a|<\delta[/latex], then [latex]|f(x)-L|<\varepsilon[/latex].

This definition may seem rather complex from a mathematical point of view, but it becomes easier to understand if we break it down phrase by phrase. 

Translation of the Epsilon-Delta Definition of the Limit
Definition Meaning
For every [latex]\varepsilon >0[/latex], For every positive distance [latex]\varepsilon[/latex] from [latex]L[/latex],
there exists a [latex]\delta >0[/latex], There is a positive distance [latex]\delta[/latex] from [latex]a[/latex],
such that such that
if [latex]0<|x-a|<\delta[/latex], then [latex]|f(x)-L|<\varepsilon[/latex]. if [latex]x[/latex] is closer than [latex]\delta[/latex] to [latex]a[/latex] and [latex]x\ne a[/latex], then [latex]f(x)[/latex] is closer than [latex]\varepsilon[/latex] to [latex]L[/latex].
By breaking down the definition into these parts, we can better understand and apply the formal epsilon-delta definition of a limit.

We can get a better handle on this definition by looking at the definition geometrically. Figure 1 shows possible values of [latex]\delta[/latex] for various choices of [latex]\varepsilon >0[/latex] for a given function [latex]f(x)[/latex], a number [latex]a[/latex], and a limit [latex]L[/latex] at [latex]a[/latex].

Notice that as we choose smaller values of [latex]\varepsilon[/latex] (the distance between the function and the limit), we can always find a [latex]\delta[/latex] small enough so that if we have chosen an [latex]x[/latex] value within [latex]\delta[/latex] of [latex]a[/latex], then the value of [latex]f(x)[/latex] is within [latex]\varepsilon[/latex] of the limit [latex]L[/latex].

There are three graphs side by side showing possible values of delta, given successively smaller choices of epsilon. Each graph has a decreasing, concave down curve in quadrant one. Each graph has the point (a, L) marked on the curve, where L is the limit of the function at the point where x=a. On either side of L on the y axis, a distance epsilon is marked off - namely, a line is drawn through the function at y = L + epsilon and L – epsilon. As smaller values of epsilon are chosen going from graph one to graph three, smaller values of delta to the left and right of point a can be found so that if we have chosen an x value within delta of a, then the value of f(x) is within epsilon of the limit L.
Figure 1. These graphs show possible values of [latex]\delta[/latex], given successively smaller choices of [latex]\varepsilon[/latex].

Visit the following applet to experiment with finding values of [latex]\delta[/latex] for selected values of [latex]\varepsilon[/latex].

The example below shows how you can use this definition to prove a statement about the limit of a specific function at a specified value.

Prove that [latex]\underset{x\to 1}{\lim}(2x+1)=3[/latex].

The following Problem-Solving Strategy summarizes the type of proof we worked out above.

How to: Prove That [latex]\underset{x\to a}{\lim}f(x)=L[/latex] for a Specific Function [latex]f(x)[/latex]

  1. Let’s begin the proof with the following statement: Let [latex]\varepsilon >0[/latex].
  2. Next, we need to obtain a value for [latex]\delta[/latex]. After we have obtained this value, we make the following statement, filling in the blank with our choice of [latex]\delta[/latex]: Choose [latex]\delta =[/latex] _______.
  3. The next statement in the proof should be (filling in our given value for [latex]a[/latex]):
    Assume [latex]0<|x-a|<\delta[/latex].
  4. Next, based on this assumption, we need to show that [latex]|f(x)-L|<\varepsilon[/latex], where [latex]f(x)[/latex] and [latex]L[/latex] are our function [latex]f(x)[/latex] and our limit [latex]L[/latex]. At some point, we need to use [latex]0<|x-a|<\delta[/latex].
  5. We conclude our proof with the statement: Therefore, [latex]\underset{x\to a}{\lim}f(x)=L[/latex].

Complete the proof that [latex]\underset{x\to -1}{\lim}(4x+1)=-3[/latex] by filling in the blanks.

Let _____.

Choose [latex]\delta =[/latex] ________.

Assume [latex]0<|x-\text{___}|<\delta[/latex].

Thus, [latex]|\text{________}-\text{___}| =|\text{_________}| = |\text{___}||\text{_________}| = \text{___} \, |\text{_______}| < \text{______} = \text{_______} = \varepsilon[/latex].

Therefore, [latex]\underset{x \to -1}{\lim}(4x+1)=-3[/latex].

In the example above, the proof was fairly straightforward, since the function with which we were working with was linear. In the example below, we see how to modify the proof to accommodate a nonlinear function.

Prove that [latex]\underset{x\to 2}{\lim}x^2=4[/latex].

The geometric approach to proving limits works well for some functions and offers valuable insight into the formal definition of limits. However, an algebraic approach can also be useful. It often provides additional insight and can be simpler. Algebraic methods are the primary tools for proving statements about limits. The example below demonstrates a purely algebraic approach to limit proofs.

Prove that [latex]\underset{x\to -1}{\lim}(x^2-2x+3)=6[/latex].

You will find that, in general, the more complex a function, the more likely it is that the algebraic approach is the easiest to apply. The algebraic approach is also more useful in proving statements about limits.