Consider the work done to pump water (or some other liquid) out of a tank. Pumping problems are a little more complicated than spring problems because many of the calculations depend on the tank’s shape and size. In addition, instead of being concerned about the work done to move a single mass, we are looking at the work done to move a volume of water, and it takes more work to move the water from the bottom of the tank than it does to move the water from the top of the tank.
Assume a cylindrical tank of radius [latex]4[/latex] m and height [latex]10[/latex] m is filled to a depth of [latex]8[/latex] m. How much work does it take to pump all the water over the top edge of the tank?
The first thing we need to do is define a frame of reference. We let [latex]x[/latex] represent the vertical distance below the top of the tank. That is, we orient the [latex]x\text{-axis}[/latex] vertically, with the origin at the top of the tank and the downward direction being positive.
Figure 5. How much work is needed to empty a tank partially filled with water?
Using this coordinate system, the water extends from [latex]x=2[/latex] to [latex]x=10.[/latex]
Therefore, we partition the interval [latex]\left[2,10\right][/latex] and look at the work required to lift each individual “layer” of water.
Figure 6. A representative layer of water.
In pumping problems, the force required to lift water to the top of the tank is equal to the weight of the water, overcoming gravity. Given that the weight-density of water is [latex]9800 N/m^3[/latex], or [latex]62.4 lb/ft^3[/latex].
Calculating the volume of each layer gives us the weight. In this case, we have,
Sketch a picture of the tank and select an appropriate frame of reference.
Calculate the volume of a representative layer of water.
Multiply the volume by the weight-density of water to get the force.
Calculate the distance the layer of water must be lifted.
Multiply the force and distance to get an estimate of the work needed to lift the layer of water.
Sum the work required to lift all the layers. This expression is an estimate of the work required to pump out the desired amount of water, and it is in the form of a Riemann sum.
Take the limit as [latex]n\to \infty[/latex] and evaluate the resulting integral to get the exact work required to pump out the desired amount of water.
We now apply this problem-solving strategy in an example with a noncylindrical tank.
Assume a tank in the shape of an inverted cone, with height [latex]12[/latex] ft and base radius [latex]4[/latex] ft. The tank is full to start with, and water is pumped over the upper edge of the tank until the height of the water remaining in the tank is [latex]4[/latex] ft.
How much work is required to pump out that amount of water?
As we did in the example with the cylindrical tank, we orient the [latex]x\text{-axis}[/latex] vertically, with the origin at the top of the tank and the downward direction being positive (step 1).
Figure 7. A water tank in the shape of an inverted cone.
The tank starts out full and ends with [latex]4[/latex] ft of water left, so, based on our chosen frame of reference, we need to partition the interval [latex]\left[0,8\right].[/latex] Then, for [latex]i=0,1,2\text{,…},n,[/latex] let [latex]P=\left\{{x}_{i}\right\}[/latex] be a regular partition of the interval [latex]\left[0,8\right],[/latex] and for [latex]i=1,2\text{,…},n,[/latex] choose an arbitrary point [latex]{x}_{i}^{*}\in \left[{x}_{i-1},{x}_{i}\right].[/latex] We can approximate the volume of a layer by using a disk, then use similar triangles to find the radius of the disk (see the following figure).
Figure 8. Using similar triangles to express the radius of a disk of water.
Based on the diagram, the distance the water must be lifted is approximately [latex]{x}_{i}^{*}[/latex] feet (step 4), so the approximate work needed to lift the layer is
It takes approximately [latex]33,450[/latex] ft-lb of work to empty the tank to the desired level.
Watch the following video to see the worked solution to this example.
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